When I hear the word research, I just think in academic stuff.  Specifically, all the written work I might have to do and all the hundreds of pages from academic articles I might have to read.  However, research is not only academic.  While talking about research with a classmate I became aware that research is not only the boring stuff we do because “we have to”. Research can be done by anyone at any time and with any purpose.  Whether it is to buy some tickets to a concert, or to plan a trip, it’s considered research.  So, if we talk about that kind of research, of personal interest, I could say I love researching.  On the other hand, if we refer to research in more academic grounds I don’t like it at all.

What I most hate about academic research is the fact that almost every resource used or needed for research paper (or at least the ones considered important by most professors) tend to be fifty or more pages long.  That not being enough, you have to read and compare at least ten articles or resources to get more accurate results or conclusions. In my case, I hate reading so it turns into a very painful, stressful, and exhausting process.  However, I can enjoy reading when I have curiosity for something.  For example, I enjoy reading and researching about criminal cases or investigations (especially those of children).  I also enjoy reading about health issues, international events, and different causes.

Acknowledging there are different types of research, I can say I like researching on sales.  I always go to the internet before going to any store.  Whether I’m buying in store or online, I compare prices on different sites before purchasing any item.  It’s very convenient.  Not only am I saving money, but time.  I also research a lot on traveling spots, seasons, and packages.  To top it all off, now I get to enjoy sites like Gustazos, Groupon, Groopanda, Ofertas del Día, and all there is to save money and have fun.

I would love to say I’m on my dream career, but I’m not.  I’m actually on my plan B right now.  If math wasn't an issue for me I would be doing my dream career. Before I graduated from high school becoming a vet was my goal.  Once in senior year, seeing all the bachelor programs and classes, I came to realize that becoming a vet was really a dream and not my reality.  However, I still think becoming a vet would've been my perfect job.  Although the education field wasn't my first choice for a career, I have to admit I've fallen in love with it.  I've learned a lot about kids and how they learn, and this has inspired me to get more involved in their development. 

Reflecting even more on my life and personality, I found two careers I would've NEVER chosen:  massage therapist or secretary.  Though I extremely love and enjoy GETTING massages it doesn't mean I could spend all day giving them to others.  Since I was 6 my dad asked me to give him back massages and I used to like it because it was sort of our time kind of thing.  However, growing up I became tired of giving massages every time someone had a back pain. Now, I officially hate giving massages, it is boring and my hands get numb.  On top of all that, after a while of giving massages, your back is going to start hurting too.  On the other hand, I could NOT be a secretary for two simple facts: getting bossed around by someone and having to be extremely organized (which I'm awful at) .  It also disgusts me that most of the secretaries are women, while the heads are men.

To my surprise, my results suggest that one of my matching careers is massage therapist!  According to the career test I belong to the ENFP "Journalist" personality group, which means I love novelty and surprises, I'm big on emotions and expression, my life is an exciting drama, I'm good in sales, advertising, politics, and acting, and I'm part of the 5% of the total population.  Of course this sounds like a terrific person, but read carefully because it really suggests we ENFP's are complete uncontroled psychos with dramatic outbursts.  I really feel like a freak after reading my results, but the thing that most of what it suggests is true, I'm a freaaak!! OMG it wasn't such a good idea reading it. I constantly procrastinate and to overlook details that then complicate my circumstances.  I often move on to new ventures without completing those I've already started. My  charming personality can show signs of irritability and over-sensitivity when my desires to please different people come into conflict.  And of course, during times of stress, I feel alienated.  As a consecuence, I then engage in deceptions that serve to obscure what is occurring within myselve. Doesn't that describe a total psycho??  If you think thats psychoish wait till you read the last paragraph.  But don't get scared, despite all that description, I'm a good person.  Though most of it is true, this sentence is NOT AT ALL true If stress continues to grow, they may attribute malevolent schemes to others in order to explain away their fears.  That is simply too much, and I'm not like that!

Back to "my dream career", here you have some links realted to the vets field.  

Here you'll read some vets that made history like Bernhard Bang (discovered brucellosis), Louis Camuti (the first feline-only practitioner), and Buster Lloyd-Jones (opened a refuge for abandoned, injured, or lost animals during World War II)

Here, for those of you considering this field, you'll be able to find some job offerings, news, events, and other helpful tools for vets in a site called AVMA- Veterinary Career Center.

“En mi Viejo San Juan cuantos sueños forjé en mis noches de infancia, mi primera ilusión y mis citas de amor son recuerdos del alma. Una tarde me fui hacia a extraña nación pues lo quiso el destino, pero mi corazón se quedó frente al mar en mi viejo san juan...”

My dear and beloved Old San Juan! Watching this picture brought so many beautiful memories back to life.  At first, all I could think of was in Noel Estrada’s song En Mi Viejo San Juan, which could be considered our second anthem. 
I kept sing it proudly for a little while.  Then all these memories started popping up in my mind.  The first flashbacks where of La Liga de Arte del Viejo San Juan.  used to go there every Saturday to take painting classes.  The
professor used to take us out on trips around the streets of Old San Juan to get us inspired by what we saw or what caught our attention.  It was a wonderful experience, one I cherish a lot.  I also remembered those family days flying kites and eating hot dogs. Then going to El Parque de Las Palomas and feeding the pigeons while trying to eat or drink a refreshing“piragua”. That was a real challenge Furthermore, I remembered my first Calles de San Sebastian, Pier 10, and the memorable Martes de Galeria. I could relive all those night outs, romantic dates, and first drunken nights.  Old San Juan is a big part of my life, not only does it hold all those memories, but it keeps adding more and more each day. I love Old San Juan. I enjoy walking around, going to some mini stores, drinking coffee in Plaza de Las Armas, and just sharing with people. It is one of my favorite spots to just sit, reflect, and chill.  


1. I enjoy eating crunchy raw pasta.
2. I love basketball and was on a team.
3. One of my dreams is living in Costa Rica.
4. I have one medium size tattoo on my rib cage.
5. I almost strangled a classmate in third grade.